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News: Digi-Ageing website published today!

Welcome to Digi-Ageing website! This website aims to inform about the Digi-Ageing Erasmus+ project, its partners and its...

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Digital Tools - Identify and Prevent Loneliness

Digi-Ageing is looking for increasing the quality of life in old age by supporting VET-providers, caregivers and the final beneficiaries, the elderly people, by developing solutions to prevent and cope with loneliness, with the help of dedicated training, counselling, and digital tools.

Resources we want to share with you

In the menu at the top, you will find the item "Resources". On this page we regularly inform you on our ongoing activities and provide you with numerous studies and documents you can download. Help us to raise awareness on the theme loneliness in old age!



Brochure “superare la solitudine”: Guida di rete e piano di sostenibilità: Guida di rete e piano di sostenibilità di CDPZ La n


“Sette organizzazioni dei 5 paesi membri dell’UE si avvicinano a identificare e intervenire contro la solitudine anziana” La partnership include le seguenti organizzazioni: Hafelekar (Haf) è stata fondata nel 2001. Hafelekar combina competenza in scienze manageriali, sociali ed educative. I clienti sono società commerciali, organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro nonché clienti ne

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