“Seven organizations from 5 EU Member Countries approach to identify and intervene against elderly loneliness.”
The partnership includes the following organisations:

Hafelekar (HAF) was founded in 2001. Hafelekar combines expertise in managerial, social and educational sciences. Customers are business companies, non-profit organisations as well as clients in the public sector. Hafelekar is mainly engaged in the following lines of business: Consulting, Research, Studies, Surveys, Evaluation, Validation of informal and non-formal learning, Development of (ICT) training models, Curricula design, Analysis of training needs, Vocational orientation, Career guidance, Process Management, EU-funded projects. A close cooperation exists with the University of Innsbruck (Department for Knowledge Organisation) in the area of qualitative social research. Hafelekar also cooperates with other Applied Universities in Austria. Furthermore Hafelekar is integrated in a dense network of VET and related institution and bodies. Hafelekar is very experienced in digital media production, distance and blended learning solutions, as we have high-level pedagogical experience and we cooperated in various projects developing different E-learning systems. Hafelekar has a very flexible organisation with a core team of 4 employees (project manager), together with part time back office administratives and around 10 to 15 freelancer working on different projects. Within our group we train around 100 executives and around 50 vocational trainers a year, in cooperation with applied Universities in Austria we train another 100 students.
Visit HAFELEKAR Website to Learn More!

The university is divided into four departments: Biomedical Informatics and Mechatronics, Public Health, Healthcare Research and Health Technology Assessment, Nursing Science and Gerontology, Psychology and Medical Sciences. At the Department of Nursing Science and Gerontology, nursing and age are considered a responsibility of society as a whole which must be proceeded with in an interdisciplinary and holistic manner. A clear orientation towards the requirements of nursing practice and towards the needs of the people and society characterize the methods and the prioritization of the individual research areas (www.umit.at). From 2006 up to now three types of Nursing Science Study Programs have been provided: the Bachelor Study of Nursing Science, the Master Study of Nursing Science, the Doctoral Study of Nursing Science. Within the Bachelor Study 1115 graduates obtained their degrees, within the Master Study 246 graduates and within the Doctoral Study 108 Graduates obtained their degrees. In 2018, nursing education at the tertiary education level was launched for the first time in Austria within the framework of cooperation with the Health University of Applied Sciences Tyrol. This results in new fields of research with regard to the transfer of knowledge. Through this cooperation, we are able to access about 350 students.
Visit UMIT Website to Learn More!

MATERIA is a private sector, multi-shareholder social enterprise, based in Nicosia, Cyprus. MATERIA’ s vision is the improvement of the quality of life of older adults living in Cyprus. The mission is to provide a diverse range of Care, Nursing and Rehabilitation Services to the older population, whether in the clients’ own home, or in Materia’ s 24hour care units, either as residents, short-term stay clients, day-care clients or outpatients. Services include: physiotherapy, cognitive enhancement therapy, art therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, assistive technology support, nutritional counselling, home-care, psycho-social support and counselling, caregiver training programs, transportation services for people with mobility problems and others. Management and Operations team is based on an interdisciplinary approach, aiming at providing the best value services for end user and their families. MATERIA is also a recognized training center for health and social sciences students from several universities in Nicosia, and has a growing research department specializing in EU funded projects relating to ageing, disability, public health and social inclusion. MATERIA owns two fully-equipped facilities (90 beds and currently at the stage of expansion to 120 beds) providing 24hr nursing care in different areas of the capital city, operated by a multi-disciplinary team (doctors, large nursing/caregiver team, gerontologist, clinical and neuro-psychologists, physiotherapists, sociologists, speech therapists, music and drama
therapists, social workers, finance/economics managers, accountants, nursing staff of all levels), providing a full range of care /rehabilitation / skilled nursing /dementia care services. For specific projects, the Home Care participants and alumni clients and families are approached, since the trials take place with older adults in the community. MATERIA also has afully functioning administration department with offices in both units in Nicosia.
Visit MATERIA GROUP Website to Learn More!

The activities of the non-profit association Caminos founded in 2014 are dedicated to the field of education. Main objectives include fostering exchange and communication, improving individual opportunities for development, supporting the social inclusion of targets at risk and developing innovative methodologies in the field of training, education and social development through national and international cooperation.
“Caminos” should indicate the importance of finding new paths to reach our goals, to discover individual resources and opportunities to overcome the actual challenges together.
Caminos provides an experienced operating staff and board working with different targets groups in various educational and participatory settings. Caminos staff has long standing experience in labour market interventions and provision of training with experience-based and empowerment methodologies. Caminos is also experienced in international project management, leadership of enterprises, development of educational tools and methodologies and the implementation of dissemination activities to exploit the project outcomes. Caminos has participated and is currently a partner in projects focusing on fostering exchange and communication, improving development opportunities and strengthening social inclusion for people at risk. Our strengths are the development and implementation of workshops for finding new perspectives, change management and conflict solutions. We are collaborating with different organizations and institutions in Spain and other countries.
Visit Asociación Caminos Website to Learn More!

“Consulenza Direzionale di Paolo Zaramella” (CDPZ) is an Italian consultancy and training firm, founded 12 years ago. The company offers a wide set of services: consultancy for micro and SMEs; training programme for managers, entrepreneurs, workers; research activities; EU projects. The company experience includes also EU projects (mainly Leonardo, Erasmus +, Interreg and H2020). As small company, often it acts as main coordinator of a local network, composed i.e. by Universities, Chambers of Commerce, Trade associations and other training/VET providers. The company worked with other 700 micro and small businesses, not only coming from Veneto Region (North East part of Italy) but also centre/south. The CEO and founder, Mr. Paolo Zaramella, 47 years old, is a senior consultant and trainer, with a degree in business administration. Since over 20 years he collaborated with a local training and consulting firm, in charge of research, training and consulting, with particular reference to European initiatives (with the involvement in about 45 projects in recent years) on the topic of business continuity, family business, transfer of innovation, sustainable development, clusters, training profiles
certification, etc.

The University of Cyprus participates in DigiAgeing Project through the Software Engineering and Internet Technologies (SEIT) Laboratory, an integral part of the Department of Computer Science. SEIT focuses its research activities on two important areas of Information Technology, namely Software Engineering and Internet Technologies. In the second area, the Laboratory concentrates on the development of ICT-enabled Creativity and Enhanced Learning Environments, platforms and tools for implementing Health monitoring and support services, Smart and Personalised services for Elders and Assistive Technologies for people with disabilities. SEIT has extensive experience in the area of applying ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to e-Learning, m-Learning and Open and Distance Learning in general as well as Life Long Learning in particular. This expertise is both at a technical level and at developing policies and qualification frameworks for such activities. Regarding only the Erasmus+ related themes, SEIT has recently coordinated four Erasmus+ projects (VeLoCiTy, World-of-Physics, DiFens, IDEA) and currently coordinates one Erasmus+ project: wINGS (begun in 2018), and also participates in 14 more: EASIER, EPUM, ELSE, AT-SGIRES, SENSE, WINDEXT, Dig-It, ISSA, ICT-4TVET, TOOLS, PRIMAE, QHELP, Digi-Sporting and Job-Jo. SEIT has also participated in 13 Leonardo da Vinci projects, 3 EUMEDIS projects, 2 FP (Framework Programs), 1 INCO-DC and 3 projects funded by national funds. It has also participated in the EMUNI project and the VUSCC initiative, both related to policymaking or reform and qualifications accreditation, as well as in the Interreg IVC project Innofun, on developing policies for entrepreneurship and innovation. SEIT is currently participating in two AAL projects: eSticky, and GUIDed, and in one national project: ReaDI-STANCE.

MRU is an international university located in Lithuania. Modern, creative and entrepreneurial academic community has raised MRU to the leading university in social sciences and interdisciplinary research in Lithuania. MRU cooperates closely with over 300 universities, public and private institutions, takes part in academic, professional and inter-sectorial networks. MRU has a full membership of the following international higher education organizations: International Association of Universities, European University Association, European Association for International Education, European-Asian Knowledge Consortium Social Technologies for Smart and Inclusive Society, etc. Currently MRU enrolls approximately 9.000 students and employs over 700 academic staff. The university offers more than 100 doctoral, master and bachelor study programmes, over 80% of them have international accreditation. The most popular study programmes are law, management, public administration, psychology, social work, public security, etc. MRU is structured within the Faculty of Economics and Finance Management, Faculty of Politics and Management, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Security, Institute of Educational Sciences and Social Work, Institute of Humanities, Institute of Psychology. Research and innovation is implemented at the Social Innovations Laboratory Network MRU LAB that includes 16 laboratories and Research and Innovation Support Centre. MRU research and innovation is carried out in the framework of the interdisciplinary priority research area Social Innovations for Global Growth and 5 research programmes:
• Justice, Security and Human Rights;
• Social Technologies;
• Sustainable Growth in the Context of Globalization;
• Improving the Quality of Life and Advancing Employment Opportunities;
• Continuity and Change of Values in Global Society.
MRU has modern infrastructure: the latest research and educational ICT equipment, one of the most modern academic libraries in Europe, open access to research resources, research and innovation management platforms, online studies facilities, etc. According to the latest data of Rotten WiFi the quality of WiFi places MRU in second place among universities in the world. Each year MRU organizes over 100 academic events.